Our Roots

In 1946, parishioners at St Thomas Catholic Church embarked on a mission to serve the poor and homeless in our area by creating a clothing closet. Their desire was to help others, no matter their religion, race, personal background or gender, and St Vincent de Paul North Idaho was born. What all began as a humble community closet has grown to become one of the largest homeless and social service agency in the region.

Our Present

Today, St Vincents operates over 300 units of affordable housing, the area's only Men's Emergency Shelter, a Women and Children's Emergency Shelter, a Winter Warming Shelter, provides hot, homecooked meals 5 nights a week at Father Bill's Kitchen, offers our area's homeless a shower and laundry facility, a mailing address, use of computers and job readiness programs.

Additionally, we offer parenting classes, case managemet, veterans services, a children and adult food program and payee services. Our Rapid Rehousing and Homeless Prevention programs help both the homeless and the ALICE population.

Our Future

St Vincent de Paul of North Idaho has recently received the designation of EnVision Center from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. We are honored to be the first agency in Idaho to receive this national honor. The designation comes with responsibility and we look forward to continued refinement and expansion of our existing services and community collaboration, to insure they exceed national guidelines.

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